AHA, MGMA say provider penalties in info blocking final rule are ‘excessive’

The American Hospital Association (AHA) and the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) have spoken out against the final rule on information-blocking disincentives from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The AHA and MGMA believe that the new disincentives are narrowly focused, and while they support corrective action, they do not believe that this is the solution. The organizations are calling for the HHS to consider the damages this could cause to both patients and practices and to consider working closely with other organizations within the healthcare industry to find a productive way forward.

At Greenlight, we stand firmly behind the patient’s right of access to their electronic health data, believing it leads to healthier, more informed patients. We’re dedicated to helping patients and healthcare providers take full advantage of regulatory changes, creating efficiencies, and demonstrating the benefits of a unified, patient-focused approach. As the leader in health data interoperability, we remove EHR silos and ensure digital health data is accessible, making record retrieval more efficient for everyone involved.

Read the full article here: AHA, MGMA say provider penalties in info blocking final rule are ‘excessive’ | Healthcare IT News

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